
Environmental technology strategies in certain European countries

This memorandum is an overview of a number of strategies and actions and is not intended for overall integrations or analyses. There are, however, some points that Growth Analysis would like to highlight:

  • National strategies. Denmark and Germany have made policy decisions concerning national environmental technology strategies that carry a relatively large amount of political weight and have relatively high visibility. The UK has no overall national strategy; however, a large number of initiatives are being implemented in the area that engage many state actors. Finland has parts of other strategies, such as a national innovation strategy, R&I strategy, and energy and climate strategy that include environmental technology development. Whether state/public measures are gathered together in a common and focused strategy or not seems to be mainly a question of highlighting an area, and does not seem to have any relation to the quantity of actual initiatives that take place.
  • Export promotion is very obviously an important part of working with environmental technology in Denmark, Germany and Finland. In the UK, the focus seems to be turned more inward and the reasons, at least those stated, for these efforts deal more with environmental objectives such as to increase the proportion of renewable energy in the UK, etc.
  • Growth and jobs, in the same way as export promotion, are a very prominent justification for environmental technology initiatives in Denmark and, to a slightly lesser extent, in Finland and Germany.
  • It is difficult to obtain clear summaries of the size of the measures. This is of course due to the fact that the measures span different policy areas and are of different types. This means, however, that it is difficult to evaluate the impacts and effectiveness of environmental technology initiatives as a whole. Individual measures can, of course, be assessed and evaluated. Eva Alfredsson of Growth Analysis has carried out such a study for Sweden under the project "Prerequisites for a green structural transformation".

Environmental technology strategies in certain European countries

Serial number: Direct response 2014:02

Reference number: 2013/115