
Functional analysis regions

– revised 2015

This revision of the functional analysis regions (FA regions) has reduced the number of regions from 72, as has been the case since 2005, to 60. The reason for the reduction is partly the ongoing expansion of regions defined as work commuting across municipal boundaries and partly a different approach to work commuting across national borders.

The FA regions are intended to give a picture of the geographical scope of Sweden’s labour market over a period of approximately 10 years. This provides a functional division of the labour market that is consistent for at least that period of time. The division is therefore revised approximately every ten years. The division of regions is used for analyses of regional growth and development at both national and regional level. Since the last revision took place in 2005, it was time for a new revision in 2015.

This revision is based on a prognosis of Statistics Sweden’s division of local labour markets up until 2025. The work has included analyses and studies of border-crossing work commuting, interacting commuter flows and discussions with regional representa­tives. This method resulted in the division of FA regions presented in Figure1.Given the earlier principles concerning the frequency of revision of the FA regions, this division should be revised again in approximately 10 years’ time.

Functional analysis regions – revised 2015

Serial number: PM 2015:22

Reference number: 2014/078

Download the report in Swedish Pdf, 2.4 MB.