Field: Strukturomvandling

Bankruptcies and hearings on compositions without bankruptcies 2021

Compared to 2020 the number of bankruptcies decreased by 11 percent and the number of employees affected by the bankruptcies decreased by 56 percent.

The district courts decided in 2021 to initiate bankruptcies in 6,463 companies compared with 7,296 companies in 2020. The number of bankruptcies thus decreased by 11 percent in 2021. The number of employees affected by the bankruptcies was 10,593 people compared to 23,953 people, a decrease of 56 percent.

In addition to corporate bankruptcies, 109 private individuals were declared bankrupt in 2021 compared with 110 private individuals in 2020. The number of bankruptcies in estates amounted to 329 compared with 289.

Unless otherwise stated, all comparisons refer to 2020.

Hearings on compositions without bankruptcies in 2021 amounted to 165 companies, compared with 313 companies in 2020. The number of employees in the companies was 4,099, compared with 9,932 employees 2020.

Bankruptcies and hearings on compositions without bankruptcies 2021

Serial number: Statistik 2022:02

Reference number: 2022/51

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