Our mission

Growth Analysis is an agency that evaluates and analyses Swedish growth policy. We provide the government and other stakeholders in the growth policy process with an advanced knowledge base and recommendations to streamline and develop the state’s work to promote sustainable growth and business development.

Our work focuses specifically on how the state can promote Sweden’s innovation capacity, on investments to strengthen innovation capacity and on the country’s capacity for structural transformation. These factors are crucial for growth in an open and knowledge-based economy like Sweden. Our analyses and evaluations are forward-looking and intended for use in system development. They are based on science and proven experience.

Three areas of activity

Growth Analysis assists the Government by analysing both the status and the consequences of policies currently being pursued. We also evaluate effects of previous growth policy initiatives that have been conducted. Furthermore, we are responsible for the production of official statistics in the areas of start-ups, bankruptcies and public composition, as well as international companies.

Growth Analysis’ work is consequently based on three areas of activity:

  • Evaluations of growth policy initiatives.
  • Analyses of driving forces and processes in Swedish trade and industry. We do this on the basis of aspects such as innovation capacity, business dynamics and regional development.
  • Statistics. Support is provided through collection and production of statistics.

Our commissions are designed in close dialogue with our clients in an analysis and evaluation plan every year. The knowledge bases that we submit to the Government are used in the work of formulating Sweden’s growth policy.

Six thematic areas

Based on the experiences gained from previous work and the issues the Agency deems most central for a sustainable growth policy, for the coming years we have decided to collect our inputs within six thematic areas.

  • Internationalisation
  • Supply of capital and selective financial support for companies
  • Production and dissemination of knowledge
  • Regional challenges
  • Green transition
  • Digitalisation

The Agency contributes knowledge within these three areas that Sweden needs to be able to meet national and global challenges. Our evaluations and analyses are based on scientifically developed methods of analysis and statistics. In order to maintain high quality and relevance in our work, we also collaborate with research institutes and analysis organisations both in Sweden and in other countries.


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