Published within the study area
Research and Development in international enterprises 2021
Every two years, the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis presents a statistics report on resea...
2023:06 -
Big Data Analytics and Firm Productivity
In the last decade, firms have made significant investments in acquiring the technology and human re...
Report number 2023:19 -
The economic conditions for primary and secondary metal production
The economic conditions for extracting, refining and recycling so-called bulk metals, such as steel,...
Rapport 2023:07 -
A survey of AI use and productivity among Swedish companies
Artificial intelligence (AI) is high on the political agenda in many countries. In recent years, sev...
- The design of corporate and pandemic support - miss or match? PM 2022:03
- An external analysis of how state corona support has been developed, phased out and evaluated PM 2022:05
- Metal recycling economic markets Rapport 2021:10
Research and Development in enterprises in 2019
This report is based on a questionnaire study of R&D investments in Sweden and abroad carried out by...
Statistik 2021:05 -
AI policy for competitiveness
Rapport AU 2022:02:01 -
Housing markets and geographical labour mobility to high
productivity regions: the case of Stockholm We analyse how conditions in the housing market affect labour mobility to the Stockholm region. The ...
WP 2021:01 - Policy for sustainable change PM 2021:06
Governance and implementation of third generation innovation policy through collaboration
This study is the second part of the Growth Analysis framework project on the so-called third genera...
PM 2021:03 -
Publicly funded R&D, collaboration and patent activity
In this study, we examined the effects of the research and innovation program of Sweden’s innovation...
WP 2020:04 -
The impact of governmental innovation aid with collaboration requirements
We have evaluated the impact of the Swedish Innovation Agency’s (Vinnova) innovation programs 2010-2...
Rapport 2020:04 -
Productivity effects of knowledge transfers through inter-firm labour mobility
The authors of this working paper conclude that labour mobility is an important mechanism for the tr...
WP 2020:03 -
Wholesale firms
A catalyst for Swedish exports? This paper examines the role of wholesale firms as facilitators of exports for small
and medium-sized...
WP 2020:01 -
Gettting digital skills right?
Digital transformation and technology-driven changes disrupt conventional industry and business logi...
PM 2020:13 -
R&D subsidies and diversification in new industries and technologies in Swedish regions: a study of
VINNOVA programs 2010-2012 This project takes up the question: is there any evidence that R&D grants might induce regional dive...
WP 2020:02 -
Wholesale firms: A catalyst for Swedish exports?
This paper examines the role of wholesale firms as facilitators of exports for small and medium-size...
WP 2020:01 -
Research and Development in enterprises in 2017
Every other year the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, Growth Analysis, presents statistics...
Statistics 2019:02 -
Exploring university-industry interaction in collaborative R&D projects
This paper focuses on how academic researchers and industrial partners view central aspects of the c...
PM 2019:06 -
Incubators – a way to create growth?
This report by Growth Analysis studies the impact of incubators on innovation and growth in incubate...
Report 2018:04 -
Does incubation lead to innovation?– Evidence from the Swedish incubation program
This report addresses a potentially important effect of incubators, namely their impact on innovatio...
PM 2018:20 -
Four incubators’ activities and regional collaboration
The report describes how four Swedish incubators in four regions work on promoting the growth of new...
PM 2018:18 -
The effects of innovation subsidies on growth in small firms: What role does collaboration play?
Swedish innovation policy has become increasingly characterized by various cooperative programs, whe...
WP 2018:01 -
Selecting a way of selecting. Innovation support to firms – a literature review
Direct supports to innovation in companies in the form of grants, loans and subsidies constitute a k...
PM 2018:05 -
University-industry collaboration on innovation: a literature review and synthesis
What factors stimulate university-industry collaboration on innovation? To answer this question 40 o...
PM 2018:04 -
Economic performance after incubation – an analysis of firms in the Swedish National Incubator programme
This report examines incubated firms that have participated in the national incubator program (NIP) ...
PM 2018:02 -
International scanning of research programmes that focus on societal challenges
National research programmes that focus on grand societal challenges are a relatively new phenomenon...
PM 2017:18 -
The coherence of the support instrument mix?The Smart industry strategy and the area Industry 4.0
In 2016 the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation gave the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy ...
PM 2017:19 -
Factors affecting the establishment of a testbed– an analysis of Vinnova’s “Environmental Technology Testbeds” program
A testbed offers private firms the opportunity to test and demonstrate products and processes in pre...
PM 2017:17 -
National incubator programme 2003–14– an initial analysis of programme logic
The report shows that the impact of the incubators has increased over time. This can be seen above a...
PM 2017:15 -
Innovation-critical metals & minerals from extraction to final product – how can the state support their development?
In this report, Growth Analysis identifies future needs for innovation-critical metals and minerals....
Report 2017:03 -
Research and Development in enterprises in 2015
Swedish owned enterprise groups conducted R&D worldwide for SEK 76 billion in 2015. This was an incr...
Statistics 2017:03 -
Towards a Swedish megafund for life science innovation
This report shows how a Swedish megafund for life science innovation could, by applying financial en...
PM 2017:11 -
Digital maturity in Sweden
The on-going digitalisation of the economy holds many promises to spur innovation, generate efficien...
Report 2017:02 -
Who is creating the standards for the Internet of Things?– Standardisation policy for competitiveness in Germany, Japan, South Korea, Japan, China and the USA
Standardisation issues constitute a central element in economic and industrial policies in several o...
PM 2017:07 -
Rare diseases – an opportunity for Swedish life science
Today as many as 350 million people in the world are living with a rare disease. These diseases are ...
PM 2017:06 -
Digital maturity
– suggestion for a new indicator The ongoing digitalisation of the economy holds many promises to spur innovation, generate efficienc...
PM 2016:18 -
The Swedish Start-Up Firms of 1997– Growth dynamics from a 14-year perspective
In this report, Growth Analysis studies a single cohort of start-up firms and follow their developme...
PM 2016:07 -
The growth of the Swedish Life Science industry 2012–2014– continued decline or revival?
The Life Science industry is of importance for the long term competitive edge of Sweden and the prod...
PM 2016:04 -
How randomised control trials develop growth policy– lessons learnt and suggestions for application
The Swedish public support to enterprises amounts to SEK 30 billion. Growth Analysis has reported of...
PM 2016:03 -
The front line of strategic research– an analysis of international financiers' focus and support instruments
Growth Analysis has been commissioned by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) to perf...
Report 2015:09 -
Research and innovation for transition of the energy system– an analysis of the Swedish Energy Agency’s R & I activities
Growth Analysis assesses that the Swedish Energy Agency’s activities that are based on “energy resea...
Report 2015:08 -
How well do selective growth policies work?– Substantial heterogeneity across regions
In both the EU and in Sweden, we have during the last 10–20 years seen an increased interest in sele...
PM 2015:17 -
Innovation climate in Sweden– an analysis of the Innovation Union Scoreboard
In this report, Growth Analysis describes Sweden’s innovation climate with the help of the EU innova...
Report 2015:06 -
Promotion of International Trade and Innovation– What can we learn from other countries?
Innovation and international trade are becoming increasingly intertwined. Today the development and ...
PM 2015:15 -
Sweden's innovation climate 2014– indicators for the national innovation strategy
The purpose of the National Innovation Strategy is to meet the long term economic and social demands...
Report 2014:06 - Research and Development in enterprises in 2013 Statistics 2015:03
Innovation policy for future energy systems– a compilation and analysis of international policy experiments
Sweden’s energy policy aims to create the conditions for a stable energy supply – one that is also s...
Report 2015:05 -
Potential and challenges in coordination of clinical trials Lessons from England, USA and Denmark
This report captures lessons from England, USA and Denmark, with regards to governance, coordinatio...
PM 2015:09 -
How to identify research needs and communicate results – A study of research councils in the field of public health
The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte) has the mandate from the G...
PM 2015:08 -
Patient input and involvement in health and medical care and research Five case studies at national level
Input from patients and the public, and their influence over health and medical care as well as heal...
PM 2015:07 -
How digitalisation drives productivity and competitiveness in Sweden
The background to this report is that the increased importance of ICT in driving Swedish productivit...
Report 2014:13 -
Measuring Knowledgebased Capital – A Strategy for Developing Data Sources
Companies invest with the aim of getting a future return greater than the expenses for their investm...
PM 2014:28 -
Governance of universities – An analysis with eight international case studies
Individuals as well as funds have in recent years become more mobile, resulting in challenges for th...
PM 2014:25 -
Public support to innovative SMEs in Sweden – a counter factual evaluation of impacts
Researchers and policymakers have recently argued that industrial policy should focus more on stimul...
PM 2014:16 -
Is R&D moving away from Sweden? – R&D in Swedish multinational enterprises in Sweden and abroad
Multinational enterprises, MNEs, have a prominent role with regard to the R&D that is conducted in t...
PM 2014:15 -
Social innovations – Perspectives from six countries
Social innovation includes, in a wide sense, innovative solutions to meet social problems in society...
PM 2014:12 -
Prioritisation processes for public research and innovation in the energy area – An international survey
The present report summarises the extensive material from studies of a number of different countries...
PM 2014:04 -
Fast-growing companies' innovation work – A pilot study
Fast-growing companies attract much attention as regards innovation policy since a small number of f...
WP/PM 2013:19 -
Survey of Strategic Competence funds within Rise – structure, use and follow-up
The aim of this report is to describe how strategic competence (SC) funds are used at the research i...
WP/PM 2013:15 -
Public support to innovation - a multi-method approach to evaluate RTOs the case of Rise
In various policy documents, it is stated that the role of the research and technology organisation...
Report 2013:11 -
Sweden's innovation climate – Indicators for the national innovation strategy 2013
In this report, Growth Analysis focuses on presenting quantitative indicators for the areas highligh...
WP/PM 2013:14 -
Publicly funded support for the promotion of quality development
Growth Analysis has been commissioned by the government to evaluate the Swedish Institute for Quali...
Report 2013:05 - Research and Development in enterprises in 2011 Statistics 2013:04
Policies for biofuels in Brazil and the US– An analysis of innovation strategies, actors and governance
This report – “Policies for biofuels in Brazil and the US - An analysis of innovation framework, act...
WP/PM 2013:05 -
Governance for electric vehicle innovation - Lessons from South Korea, India, China and Japan
Electric and hybrid cars are a clearly prioritised area in Sweden, as they are in many other countri...
WP/PM 2013:03 -
Innovation and International Cooperation in Indian Energy Policy– Case studies on solar energy and energy efficiency technology deployment
This report analyzes two concrete examples of how India works with energy technology: The National S...
WP/PM 2013:02 -
An analysis for a stronger collaboration with India in research, education and innovation
There are many good examples of valuable collaborations and cooperation’s within research, education...
Report 2011:06 -
The performance and challenges of the Swedish national innovation system– a background report to OECD
How can wealthy nations stay rich in a rapidly changing global knowledge economy? This question is o...
Report 2011:04 - Summary of Research and Development in enterprises in 2009 Statistics 2011:03
e-Health and Patient-Centered Care Processes in the United States of America
American health care is the second most expensive in the world as part of GDP and is now facing big ...
WP/PM 2011:12 -
Japan’s Energy Situation – Trends in Policies and Technologies
WP/PM 2010:06 -
eHealth and Patient-Centered Care Processes in Japan: Pre-Study
Japanese health care is of high standard but with some distinct features: high co-payments, extremel...
Report 2010:08 -
National cluster development in other countries
Clusters are an important component of regional and national strategies for growth and innovation in...
Report 2010:04 -
Innovation for a new world? Emerging markets, frugal innovation and changing R&D
There is a global shift underway. China and India will soon have among the largest economies in the ...
WP/PM 2010:18 -
Underlying documentation for IT-policy efforts– survey of indicators
In the Letter of Appropriations for 2009, the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis (Growth Anal...
Report 2009:15 -
Research and Development in enterprises in 2007
The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis (Growth Analysis) carries out every second year survey...
Statistik 2009:02 -
Entrepreneurship and innovation
Entrepreneurship and innovation are two common concepts in the political discussion and are often me...
Report 2009:11