Energy Research & Development in India: An overview
Growth Analysis was commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency to map out areas where India has a strong position in energy research, covering subject areas, geographical areas and universities/institutes as well as other relevant players.
Although the Indian central government takes responsibility for research and development in strategic areas and areas of national security, there are a number of areas that are shared between central and state government. The report identifies the key government departments that have been charged with driving on-the-ground research and development activities to support the high level strategies outlined in the five year plan, and annual departmental plans:
- Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
- Ministry of Earth Science
- Ministry of Environment and Forests
- Ministry of Science and Technology
- Department of Atomic Energy
These departmental activities are further supported by a cross-country network of universities, institutes and laboratories. India has approximately 431 university level institutions across the country. For the purposes of this report Growth Analysis chose to highlight selected institutions from the government list of Institutes of National Importance, as well as other leading institutions referred to in discussions and reports. An Institute of National Importance is one that is recognized as having a pivotal role in developing highly skilled personnel.
This mapping also outlines ten areas in which energy and environment R&D is taking place in India with a focus on areas that may interest Swedish R&D institutions as potential areas for further investigation and collaboration.
Three suggested next steps to build collaborative R&D activity in India:
- Create a road map for R&D collaboration. An opportunity exists to develop a more detailed view of energy R&D collaboration potential in India based on Sweden’s strengths and build a road map that ties in with commercial aspirations.
- Review Swedish interest areas. In order to present targeted partners and funding agencies rather than taking an umbrella approach for collaboration.
- Develop Quick Wins. Use current research exchanges as an opportunity to quickly build collaboration with Indian researchers as well as building on existing Sweden – India R&D work.
Energy Research & Development in India: An overview
Serial number: Direct response 2011:09
Reference number: 2011/212