
Regional trade and the importance of inter-regional and global value chains for Swedish counties

This study analyses regional trade patterns and the importance of extra-regional value chains for 21 Swedish counties using a Leontief input-output model with 42 sectors. The regionalized input-output table have been produced by Statistics Sweden and are only available for the years 1995 and 2003.

The input-output analysis shows a high degree of specialization and regional trade across Sweden. About one third of the production value consists of imported inputs from other counties or abroad, where the latter tends to be somewhat more important for most counties. When sectors are weighted by their importance in regional export, the import content is typically around 50 percent.

Regions with a relatively large manufacturing industry tend to be more exported-oriented and also more dependent on imported inputs, and vice versa for counties that specialize in services industries.

Overall, the study shows that Swedish counties are becoming more integrated into inter­regional- and global value chains, which may have implications on regional competitive­ness, employment and incomes.

Regional trade and the importance of inter-regional and global value chains for Swedish counties

Serial number: PM 2016:02

Reference number: 2015/240

Download the report in Swedish Pdf, 1.7 MB.