
The mix of subsides due to corona – autumn 2021

The purpose of our surveys is to provide a coherent picture of the type of subsidies that have been initiated and to what cost.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the state has decided on extensive financial support to the business community. The aim has been to reduce the companies’ costs, strengthen liquidity and improve the companies' financing opportunities. The decisions were initially made under strong time pressure. Based on follow-ups and lessons learned, the mix of subsidies has changed, been improved, and adapted.

Our surveys include:

  • direct financial subsidies to companies
  • granting a deferral of companies' payments to the state
  • reduced fees or taking over certain costs
  • increased opportunities for companies to borrow money

The analysis focuses on:

  • how the subsidies have been designed
  • how they may have been adjusted
  • conditions for being able to carry out follow-ups and evaluations of the subsidiesmeasures

Decisions are made based on great uncertainty

The surveys show that it has been difficult for the government to calculate the extent of the state's costs for the corona - related business subsidies. The government has on several occasions revised its cost calculations. The difficulties have to do with strong time pressure and uncertainty regarding demand and resource needs. The costs for initiated business subsidies landed at SEK 162 billion (Prop. 2020/21: 100) by 2020.

In 2021, there are yet no follow-ups available as well as no available information on amounts paid out. The appropriation is currently SEK 50.52 billion for grants and SEK 20.8 billion for reduced fees. In addition, there are extended credit guarantees and loans, expenses that the state expects to be repaid. However, they involve an increased financial risk.

Central government costs are likely to increase further. This is because there may be additional extensions and reinforcements of initiated subsidies depending on how the pandemic develops.

The mix of subsides due to corona – autumn 2021

Serial number: Regeringsuppdrag

Reference number: 2021/5

Download the report in swedish Pdf, 1.1 MB.