
Field: Internationalisering

Evaluation of the implementation of the Government initiative Smart City Sweden

We have examined three main areas; the initiative’s goal definition, development of the best practices platform and business development.

Overall, Tillväxtanalys assesses that Energimyndigheten has worked in a systematic and structured manner to develop the best practices platform. Energimyndigheten has also taken actions to reduce the effect of the corona pandemic outbreak in spring 2020. Through these adjustments it has been possible to carry out the initiative despite the pandemic having a major impact.

In terms of the development of the best practices platform, Tillväxtanalys would suggest that some of the aspects of the implementation be discussed prior to any continuation of the initiative. These aspects include further focus on requests for visits where the business opportunities should be made particularly clear, as well as a discussion and analysis of priority target markets.

There is also a need for more communication to Swedish companies covering both the general focus and goals of the initiative and more specifically, what the companies can expect to get from the initiative. Tillväxtanalys also assesses that there is a need to develop contacts with adjacent programmes such as Viable cities, RE:Source and the Regional export collaboration, to clarify the interfaces and opportunities for cooperation between the programmes.

Two major issues are apparent in the observations made by Tillväxtanalys, and these need to be discussed prior to any continuation of the initiative. The first matter concerns the need for a clearer definition of the goals by the Government. In conjunction with a clearer definition of the goals, the Government should carry out an analysis of the underlying problems that the initiative should aim to address. Such analysis needs to have a clear business perspective to it. A thorough analysis of the problem and more concise goals lay a stronger foundation for both the design and implementation of these types of initiatives.

The second matter concerns the realisation of the final stage in the packaging and selling of a Swedish offering. From a customer perspective, it may be more attractive to buy a packaged solution from one provider rather than have to go to several different providers. Sweden has a good reputation for developing and implementing system solutions, and being able to offer foreign customers the opportunity to buy or invest in sustainable system solutions is somewhat at the heart of the initiative

It is the perception of Tillväxtanalys that getting one company to take on the role of coordinating larger system transactions is a challenge for the initiative. In this regard, the market is probably in the best position to decide which company is interested and most suited to taking on a coordination role. Nevertheless, the initiative enables companies to find out about each other so that they can put together a cohesive packaged solution. The initiative thus works as a kind of coordination function, but according to Tillväxtanalys, greater thought needs to be given to how the initiative’s coordination function can be improved to increase the chances of exporting larger system solutions.

Knowledge, experience and economic resources are needed to be able to coordinate a larger export business made up of several sub-suppliers. A Swedish company could take on this role, but it could also be a larger international company that combines Swedish sub-suppliers as part of a larger business transaction.

The system solutions that have been implemented in Sweden have emerged through the interplay between policy and technology advancements. Constructive interplay at the interface between the public and private spheres has meant that Sweden has been able to implement a range of sustainable system solutions. Substantial experience has been gained by both the private suppliers and the state-owned companies that are responsible for maintaining the facilities.

Tillväxtanalys believes that there are good grounds for further discussions on how the know-how of Swedish state-owned companies can be leveraged when offering a major system solution to a foreign customer.

Evaluation of the implementation of the Government initiative Smart City Sweden

Serial number: PM 2022:06

Reference number: 2018/067

Download the report in swedish Pdf, 1.2 MB.


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