
Venture Capital Statistics 2013

– Investments in Swedish Portfolio Companies

Total investment volume has increased compared to the previous year
In 2008, venture capitalists invested SEK 4.8 billion in Swedish companies. Since then, and until 2013, venture capital (VC) investments were in sharp decline. In 2013 an increase in the investments broke the negative trend with total investments amounting to SEK 2 billion.

The gap between investments made by private or public funds have decreased
When private and public fund investments are looked at separately the statistics shows a major decline among private investments during 2008–2013. The volume of private VC-investment is still larger than public VC-investment, but the latter (public funds) has almost quadrupled their investments over the period which has decreased the gap between private and public funds investment levels.

Investments are increasingly directed to the expansion phase
During the studied period the share invested in the expansion phase has increased every year except 2010, while investment to the startup phase has decreased every year except 2012.

The most significant change has occurred among public funds where 68 percent of the invested capital in 2013 went to companies in the expansion stage. In comparison, 49 percent of the investment volume from private funds went to the expansion phase.

Life Science and IT
In 2013, both private and public funds invest the majority of their capital in the Life Science and IT industries. Investments in Life Science mainly consisted of reinvestments, while investments in the IT industry to a large degree went to companies not previously venture-backed.

Majority of companies are micro enterprises
The combined statistics from the SVCA and Growth Analysis databases show that the majority (78%) of the companies that can be linked to certain companies have between 0-9 employees (micro enterprises) and half of all the invested capital goes to these micro enterprises. The majority of the companies are located near or in the larger cities in Sweden, such as Stockholm and in the west and south of Sweden. These regions also receive the majority of all the VC investments.

Venture Capital Statistics 2013 – Investments in Swedish Portfolio Companies

Serial number: Statistics 2014:05

Reference number: 2013/167

Download the report in Swedish Pdf, 1.3 MB.