
Bankruptcies and hearings on compositions without bankruptcies 2014

In 2014 Sweden’s district courts ruled on 7,158 corporate bankruptcies, including sole traders. This represents a reduction of 7% compared to 2013. The number of employees affected by bankruptcies in 2014 amounted to 19,061, 26% fewer than in 2013.

Broken down over the different kinds of company, bankruptcies in limited companies fell by 7% while bankruptcies in partnerships fell by 22%. Among sole traders, there were 20% fewer bankruptcies. There were 6,017 bankruptcies in limited companies, 496 in partnerships and 645 in sole traders.

The manufacturing industry saw 432 bankruptcies, which is a fall of 8%. In the construction industry, bankruptcies fell by 1% to 1,259 and in the commercial sector by 12% to 1,601 compared to 1,811 bankruptcies in 2013. In the hotel and restaurant sector, there were 497 bankruptcies, an increase of 2%.

Divided by county, the number of bankruptcies in Stockholm county fell by 7% to 2,343 and in the county of Västra Götaland by 14% to 1,036. The county of Skåne had 1,098 companies in bankruptcy, a reduction of 1%.

The number of compositions without bankruptcies during 2014 amounted to 108, compared with 87 in 2013. The number of employees in these companies was 2,386, compared to 1,945 in 2013.

Bankruptcies and hearings on compositions without bankruptcies 2014

Serial number: Statistics 2015:01

Reference number: 2015/066

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