
Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2013

The number of start-up enterprises in 2013 totalled 69,242 compared to 9,216 in 2012. Compared to 2012, the number of start-up enterprises fell by 11 per cent in the industry categories advertising and marketing, while the number of new enterprises increased by 5 per cent
in the education category.

Measured in relation to the number of existing enterprises, the renewal rate was highest within leasing, personnel services, tourism, security and other office services, where there were 12.9 start-up enterprises per 100 existing enterprises. In the education category, the renewal rate reached 12.8 start-up enterprises per 100 existing companies. The highest renewal rates were also found in these industry categories in 2012. 

Just over 24,000 or 35 per cent of the new enterprises in 2013 were set up as public limited companies. The changes compared with 2012 divided among the legal entities private businesses, partnerships and limited partnerships were insignificant.

Allocated by gender, 34 per cent of the new enterprises in 2013 were started by women. Considered in terms of individual industry categories, the highest proportions of enterprises started by women was within other service enterprises and personal services and also health and social care, with 74 per cent and 57 per cent respectively.

Of start-up enterprises in 2013, 31 per cent were located in Stockholm County, 17 per cent in Västra Götaland County and 14 per cent in Skåne County. Compared with 2012, the number of companies decreased by 1 per cent in Stockholm County, while the number increased by 5 per cent in Västra Götaland County and by 2 per cent in Skåne County. The number of start-up enterprises fell by 14 per cent in Dalarna County.

The establishment frequency for start-up enterprises shows the number of start-ups in relation to the population. Allocated by county, the establishment frequency was highest in Stockholm County with 15.4 enterprises per 1,000 inhabitants between 16 and 64 years of age, followed by Gotland with 12,2 per 1,000 inhabitants. The lowest establishment frequency – 8.2 – was in Norrbotten County.

The establishment frequency for the country as a whole was 11.5 new enterprises per 1,000 inhabitants.

Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2013

Serial number: Statistics 2015:02

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