
Venture Capital Statistics 2015

– Investments in Swedish Portfolio Companies

Over the period for which we have data (2007–2015), the number of active (investing in Swedish portfolio companies) Swedish GPs has decreased steadily. In 2007, the number was 63 and in 2015, it was 12, a decrease of 81 % over nine years.

Venture capital investments (VCI) to Swedish companies decreased in 2015

VCI in Swedish companies decreased to SEK 2.26 bn in 2015, down 12 % since the previous year when VCI were SEK 2.57 bn.

Foreign and Governmental funds decreased VCI, Swedish funds increased

Foreign funds decreased their VCI in Swedish companies by 0.36 bn in 2015, down to SEK 1.13 bn. Swedish governmental funds decreased VCI by 0.25 bn to SEK 0.44 bn. Other Swedish funds increased their investments by 0.31 bn to 0.70 bn in 2015.

Life Science and IT dominates

Like all previous years for which we have data, the majority of the VCI went to companies in the Life science and IT sectors in 2015. Foreign funds placed 74 % of their total VCI within these two industries, the corresponding numbers for the ‘Swedish governmental funds’ and ‘other Swedish funds’ was 76 % and 48 % respectively.

Venture Capital Statistics 2015 – Investments in Swedish Portfolio Companies

Serial number: Statistik 2016:06

Reference number: 2013/167

Download the report in Swedish Pdf, 1.2 MB.


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