
Venture Capital Statistics 2016

VCI in Swedish companies decreased to SEK 2.2 billion in 2016. This represents a 16 per cent decrease compared with the previous year when VCI were SEK 2.6 billion.

Decreased VCI from foreign and unidentified funds, an increase from Swedish funds

Total VCI can be defined as the sum of investments from four types of funds: Swedish governmental funds, Swedish funds, foreign funds, and unidentified funds (i.e. with unknown origin). When we look at the four fund groups' investments over time, we can see that, over the past three years, the largest share of investments in Swedish portfolio companies has come from foreign funds. In 2016, foreign funds’ investment volume decreased by SEK 246 million (-19%), but they were still by far the fund group that invested most in Swedish portfolio companies. The investment volume coming from unidentified funds decreased by SEK 285 million (-87%), i.e. they stood for the greatest decrease in investments for any fund group, in both absolute and relative terms. This should be interpreted as something positive as it means that the origin of a larger share of the investment volumes’ origin is identified in our data. The Swedish funds’ investment volume increased by SEK 73 million (17%) and the Swedish governmental funds’ invest­ments increased by SEK 33 million (6%).

Foreign funds invested less in financial services

If we break down the year's investments by fund group and sector, we see that the most significant difference, as compared with the previous year, was that foreign funds invested less in the financial services sector in 2016.

Life science and ICT received the highest investment volumes

As for all previous years for which we have data, the majority of VCI went to companies in the life science and ICT sectors in 2016. 74 per cent of the total investment volume went to portfolio companies in these two sectors.

Venture Capital Statistics 2016

Serial number: Statistics 2017:07

Reference number: 2013/167

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