
Promoting women’s entrepreneurship – a compilation of statistics

In 2012, the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, Growth Analysis, was commissioned to evaluate the effects and results of the Promoting Women's Entrepreneurship programme run by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. The programme, Promoting Women's Entrepreneurship ran between 2007 and 2014 and was a Government scheme launched to increase entrepreneurship amongst women in Sweden.

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth has collated all studies conducted under the programme and created a framework project. A framework project includes a multifaceted overview of a specific area. In this instance, it highlights the efforts of several sub-programmes using various methods and approaches. This report supplements the studies in the framework project and presents a compilation of statistics – primarily addressing entrepreneurship amongst women, as well as men – in Swedish industry.

Statistics have shown that women engaged in entrepreneurship or working as active corporate leaders are a minority in most branches. There are certain differences between the company forms run or managed by women and men. Women tend to run companies in the service and cultural sector, whereas men operate in construction. The lifespan of companies started by women is somewhat shorter than companies started by men. The large portion of self-employed women working in the service sector compared to the low numbers working in construction can also be seen in other countries. In 2016, the number of self-employed women was somewhat lower in Sweden when compared to other OECD‑countries. Figures on operative company directors were unavailable for all countries used in the comparison, however statistics show that the number of women employers in Sweden is slightly lower than in other OECD-countries.

Promoting women’s entrepreneurship – a compilation of statistics

Serial number: Statistik 2018:06

Reference number: 2013/001

Download the report in Swedish Pdf, 1.1 MB, opens in new window.