
Bankruptcies and hearings on compositions without bankruptcies 2019

The number of corporate bankruptcies increased by 2 % over the previous year. The number of employees affected by bankruptcies was 22,727 persons, an increase of 17 %.

During 2019, the District Courts rendered judgments on 7,766 bankruptcies, of which 7,358 involved companies (including sole traders), 133 involved private individuals and 285 involved estates of deceased persons.

There were 187 compulsory compositions during the year compared with 140 in 2018. The number of employees in these companies was 5,646, compared with 5,787 in 2018.

In the group of civil authorities, education and other services, the number of bankruptcies rose by 12 %. In financial, property and corporate services the number of companies declaring bankruptcy increased by 9 %.

The number of employees affected by bankruptcies increased by 26 % in the construction industry. In the trade sector the number of employees affected by bankruptcies increased by 30 % and in and in finance, real estate and business services the number of employees increased by 31 %.

The number of corporate bankruptcies increased by 10 % in the county of Stockholm, In the county of Skåne bankruptcies increased by 3 % and in the county of Västra Götaland corporate bankruptcies decreased by 5 %.

The proportion of companies that were declared bankrupt in relation to the number of companies per county in 2019 was highest in Stockholm County, where 0.8 % of companies were declared bankrupt.

Broken down by industry, the highest number of companies declared bankrupt in relation to the total number of companies was in the hotel and restaurant sector, where 1.8 % of all companies were declared bankrupt. In the construction industry 1.3 % of companies were declared bankrupt.

Bankruptcies and hearings on compositions without bankruptcies 2019

Serial number: Statistik 2020:03

Reference number: 2020/49

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