Field: Internationalisering

Swedish groups with affiliates abroad 2019

In 2019 there were 3,813 Swedish controlled enterprise groups with affiliates abroad, a increase of 710 groups since 2018. Of these enterprise groups 1,253 or 33 per cent had subsidiaries in Norway. 22 per cent of the enterprise groups had subsidiaries established in Denmark and 19 per cent in Finland.

The number of employees in the Swedish controlled enterprise groups with affiliates abroad amounted to over 2.2 million, an increase of 3 per cent over the preceding year. The number of employees abroad increased by 9,830 to 1,516,265 and the number in Sweden increased by 59,609 to 718,992 employees.

The largest increases in individual countries took place in Finland where the number of employees in the Swedish controlled groups increased by 5,775 and in India, where the number of employees increased by 3,010. Swedish controlled enterprise groups decreased their number of employees in a few countries, in China their number of employees decreased by 8,692 and in Mexico by 3,132 employees. The countries where Swedish enterprise groups had their largest number of employees were US with 233,632, Germany with 104,130 and China with 94,056 employees.

Approximately half of the employees abroad were in a group with at least 5,000 employees in Sweden. The 30 enterprise groups with at least 5,000 employees in Sweden accounted for about 51 per cent of all employees in foreign countries, and 43 per cent of employees in Sweden.
The total turnover for the Swedish groups with affiliates abroad accounted to SEK 6,509 billion for year 2019. Abroad the total turnover was SEK 3,992 billion and the total turnover in Sweden was SEK 2,518 billion. That was an increase of 8 per cent abroad and a increase of 11 per cent in Sweden over the preceding year.

Swedish groups with affiliates abroad 2019

Serial number: Statistik 2021:03

Reference number: 2021/88

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