Growth Analysis changing in 2017

Growth Analysis’ operations are changing in 2017 at the request of the Government. As a result of this change, the agency’s overseas-based operations and certain regional development duties are being moved. At the same time, Growth Analysis’ assignments are being extended to encompass more complex evaluations and analyses of commercial and growth policy relevance.

During 2015, the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation initiated a review of Growth Analysis. The purpose was to review the agency’s entire operation and submit proposals regarding how Growth Analysis can best satisfy the Government’s extended need for high-quality, relevant decision data within its business and growth policy.

“The changes that are now being implemented mean that the responsibility that Growth Analysis currently has regarding ongoing duties within regional monitoring and analysis is being transferred to the Swedish Agency for Economical and Regional Growth. At the same time, Growth Analysis’ overseas-based operations are being moved to the Swedish Government Offices,” says Jan Cedervärn, Acting Director-General at Growth Analysis.

In parallel with the relocation of parts of the operation, the agency must restructure to achieve an operation that focuses on fewer, larger assignments with a greater level of complexity.

“In order to continue being an effective and highly competent expert authority, we are now working to shape the business on the basis of our new direction. This will entail a more defined operation focusing on fewer issues, but with a more long-term approach,” continues Jan Cedervärn.

In the draft budget on 20 September, the Government presents the announced changes that will enter into force on 1 January 2017.

Specifically, the changes will result in six services being moved from Growth Analysis’ head office in Östersund to the Swedish Agency for Economical and Regional Growth’s office in Östersund, and in all services at Growth Analysis’ overseas offices being relocated to the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. The agency’s turnover will be halved at the end of the year, and the number of employees will decrease from around 60 at seven offices to around 35 at the two offices in Östersund and Stockholm.

In addition to ongoing reporting in the field of overseas-based business intelligence and regional monitoring and analysis, the following areas will be disappearing from Growth Analysis on 1 January 2017.