Knowledge for Growth

The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis, Growth Analysis is an agency that evaluates and analyses Swedish growth policy. We provide the government and other stakeholders in the growth policy process with an advanced knowledge base and recommendations to streamline and develop the state’s work to promote sustainable growth and business development.

Our work focuses specifically on how the state can promote Sweden’s innovation capacity, on investments to strengthen innovation capacity and on the country’s capacity for structural transformation. These factors are crucial for growth in an open and knowledge-based economy like Sweden. Our analyses and evaluations are forward-looking and intended for use in system development. They are based on science and proven experience.

Expert personnel, broad dialogue, unique databases and established collaboration at national and international level are important assets in our work.

Growth Analysis works by government commission under the supervision of the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. Our primary target groups also include the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Finance, as well as other agencies carrying out commissions within growth policy. We take an independent position in our evaluations and analyses.

We employ around 40 people and are located in Östersund (head office) and Stockholm. Our Director-General is Sverker Härd.