
Is Corporate Social Responsibility investing a free lunch?

We analyse the relationship between ESG, tail risk, and upside potential of stocks before and during the COVID-19 crisis.

Did Corporate Social Responsibility investing benefit shareholders during the COVID- 19 pandemic crisis? Distinguishing between downside tail risk and upside reward potential of stock returns, we provide evidence from 5,073 stocks listed on stock mar- kets in ten countries.

The findings suggests that better ESG ratings are associated with lower downside risk, but also with lower upside return potential. Thus, ESG ratings help investors to reduce their risk exposure to the market turmoil caused by the pandemic, while maintaining the fundamental trade-off between risk and re- ward.


Is Corporate Social Responsibility investing a free lunch?

Serial number: WP 2021:02

Reference number: 2020/215

Download the report Pdf, 6.2 MB.