
Regulatory simplification in the statistical areas of Newly-started Enterprises and International Enterprises

The proposals on regulatory simplification in this report mean that the desired target of a 25 per cent reduction can be achieved. Within the statistical area of Newly-started Enterprises, there was a decrease in the scope of the survey in 2007 and 2008 when data gathered in the surveys was significantly replaced by register data for sole traders.

Further decreases can be achieved in the statistical area of Newly-started Enterprises through a change in the method, meaning that nearly 10,000 questionnaires disappear in the scope of the current total survey. 

Furthermore, the total survey can be replaced by a sample survey while retaining precision given a change in the definition of the starting time for the companies. 

In the statistical area of International Enterprises, the net effect of the proposed regulatory changes is that the combined burden of providing information for enterprise remains unchanged. A broader requirement to provide information concerning the study of Swedish corporate groups with subsidiaries abroad, which is the result of new EU regulations, is matched by a regulatory simplification for the Foreign Enterprises product.

On the long term, the questionnaire-based new business statistics may possibly be replaced by the register-based new business statistics, which are reported to Eurostat in the scope of public enterprise demographic statistics. This requires that these statistics can be improved with regard to how current they are and how well they can be broken down. There should be good possibilities to do so since the business register has complete coverage, is updated with a short time delay and contains data down to the workplace level.

A survey must still be conducted with regard to variables not available in registers.

Regulatory simplification in the statistical areas of Newly-started Enterprises and International Enterprises

Serial number: Report 2009:07

Reference number: 2009/066

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