
Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2018

The number of start-up enterprises in 2018 totalled 66,750 compared to 68,887 in 2017, a decrease of 3 per cent.

Start-ups declined by 8 per cent in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate and 7 per cent in Construction. The area with the highest percentages of start-ups in relation to the number of existing enterprises was Computer programming and Information services, with 11.0 start-ups per 100 existing enterprises.

Allocated by legal form, 45 per cent of the new enterprises in 2018 were set up as limited companies. Compared with 2017, the number of limited companies decreased by 1 per cent.

The number of start-ups declined by 1 per cent in Stockholm Country and by 5 per cent in Western Götaland County. In the County of Skåne, the number of start-ups remained unchanged. In Kronobergs and Halland Counties, start-ups declined by 13 per cent.

The establishment frequency for start-up enterprises shows the number of start-ups in relation to the population. Allocated by county, the establishment frequency was highest in Stockholm County with 14.4 start-ups per 1,000 inhabitants between 16 and 64 years of age, followed by Skåne County with 11.2 start-ups per 1,000 inhabitants.

The number of start-ups led by women declined by 1 per cent and represented 32 per cent of the total start-ups, a percentage that was unchanged from 2017. The number of start-ups led by men declined by 4 per cent.

Allocated by sector and gender, 74 per cent of the enterprises in the Other Service Enterprises and Personal Services were led by women. In Education and Human Health and Social Work 55 per cent of the enterprises were led by women. In the areas of Construction and Transport and Warehousing, about 90 per cent of the enterprises were led by men.

Allocated by county and gender, 36 per cent of the start-ups in Gotland were started by women, the highest such percentage in the country.

The number of new enterprises led by persons with foreign origins declined by 1 per cent and represented 29 per cent of start-ups. The sectors with highest percentages of enterprises led by persons with foreign origins were Hotels and Restaurants, as well as Transport and Warehousing, with 61 per cent and 57 per cent, respectively.

Allocated by county and origin, 36 per cent of the start-ups in Stockholm County were led by a person with foreign origins, in contrast to 13 per cent in Gotland County and Jämtland County.

Newly-started enterprises in Sweden 2018

Serial number: Statistik 2019:04

Reference number: 2019/112

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